第九韩剧首页 电影 Santa Mi Amor

Santa Mi Amor


影片类型: 剧情剧情片 其它 2023


导演:José Sierra 


📻 量子电影


📻 非凡电影


🍑 Santa Mi Amor剧情简介

  Lucia is single mom of a little girl that loves Christmas, Leo. One night she falls in love on a blind date with Sergio, desperate of how to tell her daughter the news; tricks her by telling her that his new boyfriend it's actually Santa. Now the boyfriend has to prove himself and convince her and he does, but eventually she finds out. The illusion breaks but the magic remains so she visits Sergio in his restaurant to give him her letter, asking not toys but a family, and they both granted her wish.

《Santa Mi Amor》SantaMiAmor是一部由优秀导演José Sierra辛苦拍摄的剧情片电影,Santa Mi Amor于2023年在其它地区上映。喜欢第九韩剧电影Santa Mi Amor,请一定要分享和收藏起来我们的网址,方便下次再来观看Santa Mi Amor。

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